PUTRAJAYA: For the first time, Malaysia will celebrate World Interfaith Harmony Week on Monday as put forward by the United Nations (UN) with various programmes prepared, including a meet-and-greet session with the Prime Minister and religious leaders here. National Unity and Integration Department director-general Datuk Azman Amin Hassan said Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak’s participation demonstrated his commitment towards resolving religious issues in the country and preserving the well being of Malaysia’s multi-racial community.“The Committee for the Promotion of Inter-religious Understanding and Harmony has also agreed on this celebration, which it says signifies the Government’s concerns on religious matters.“This is also in line with Najib’s hopes expressed at the UN, in which he said he did not want any extremist or militant groups to threaten unity and security in Malaysia,” he said in an exclusive interview on the programme here. World Interfaith Harmony Week, a brainchild of the King of Jordan Abdullah II and his personal envoy and special ...