Channel: World Interfaith Harmony Week
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Syracuse event showed interfaith harmony

syracuse.com Event showed Syracuse as place to embrace diversity of faith To the Editor: On Jan. 30, more than 300 Syracusans gathered to celebrate during the first World Interfaith Harmony Assembly of CNY, which included song, dance, readings, prayers, poetry, stories and chants from many faith traditions. This celebration was held in accord with a United Nations resolution declaring the first week of February “World Interfaith Assembly Week.” Consequently, throughout the remainder of the week, additional gatherings were held around the world to emphasize understanding, to embrace peace and to honor an amazing array of faith traditions. InterFaith Works of CNY and Women Transcending Boundaries would like to thank those communities that so willingly shared their practices and beliefs. Once again, Syracuse has reaffirmed its commitment to celebrate a way of life that turns fear to compassion, ignorance to understanding and isolation to community! Much gratitude is due for the openness, talent and participation offered by all of the following ...

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